Broken Masks

I am sobered by the death of Keeper of Forgotten Temples. A terrible mistake in judgment and enlightenment becomes blindness. He slits his belly and dies, but I can tell that something is wrong, an expression of terrible loss briefly flashes across his face before he tumbles.

Yuki rages, her grief spilling out of her in hot tears and whip crack accusations. Everyone else is silent. I hold my tongue, it’s not my place to speak.

The aftershocks are more than emotional. Even as Yuki masters herself, the Uji itself comes under fire, principally from the Frostwings Uji, which has made itself a rival of the Thousand Ri Scouts.

I want so badly to help them. I have been promised this Uji, this family and now it will be taken away before I have even had a chance. I resent my new belief in karma. How can it be that I am dealt the same lonely hand in the second breath that karma dealt me in life?

I throw myself at my training, it’s the Scout’s only chance. The Court of the White River is debating disbanding the Uji entirely. Four was weak enough; three is no Uji. But I can make them four again. Four is enough.

The hard training and studying helps me forget my fear. Yes, I’m more afraid than I have been since I woke up in hell. I am only hin, not yet ready for the Fire and Water test, yet I hurl myself toward that trial in hopes of saving the Scouts. But Keeper’s death never leaves my thoughts. How much more did he know than me? How many more years of training in his dharma?

How can I survive with so little when he failed after so much?

I am spared the matter by a Devil Tiger name Blood Red Thorn. A Disciple from the Court of Five Bridges, willing to join the Thousand Ri Scouts. I’m relived that the Uji will live, but I’m…what? Angry? Ashamed? Probably both that this stranger steps in to do what I could not.

My Shadow wastes no time whispering to me that I am not needed. The shortest Re training period that House Yamabushi allows is one year and I am just nearing half that time. Blood Red Thorn has taken my place, and the Scouts – always successful even with only four members – has no need of a fumbling rabbit.

But then Yuki asked a favor of me.

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